Friday, 26 April 2013

Super fast train

Well so much for Spanish language school.

 It is nice to be refreshed at the somewhat limited level of Spanish that I have, and improved a touch in the two weeks but it's also confronting to realize how little I know and how slow I am at learning. Simpatico teachers and fellow students, or not.

Of course having finished my course I can now think of all the questions and topics for discussion I might have raised in our class: for example, where will I find some good Latin American food, and who can tell me when there will next be a demonstration against the austerity measures?

Now we are on the AVE train from Madrid to Barcelona. 300km/h. Slightly cheaper and quicker, if you take all the airport fol de rol into account, than flying. Unless you also take into account how long it took me to buy the tickets over the Internet. But that's another matter.

In any event, I have mobile data  in my iPad so I am connected all 600km of the journey. So I can upload this post.  But you know, I EXPECTED wifi! .. I don't know what went wrong.

There were media reports yesterday, as you may all know, about the 27 % unemployment in Spain; the highest level since Franco. No wonder there are manifestations against the austerity measures..  but it's dark outside now and the fairly crowded AVE is showing us French films in Spanish,  and selling us beer, chips and bocodillos. One could imagine all's right enough with the world. Shortage of WIFI not withstanding.

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